Selepas majlis perasmian Jambatan baru di Kampung Haji Mat Asek, Saya terus ke Hospital Daerah Taping, melawat Pengerusi Tetap UMNO Bahagian Larut, Abdul Razak yang dimasukan ke wad kerana rawatan.
Razak kali pertama menjalankan tugas sebagai Pengerusi Tetap di Persidangan Agung tahunan UMNO Bahagian yang diresmikan oleh Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Dr Zambery Abdul Kadir yang juga Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri di Batu Kurau pada 11 Julai yang lalu.
Beliau telah menjalankan tugas yang cukup baik dan berjaya mengawal kerenah para perwakilan yang hadir.
Razak dari cawangan UMNO Kampung Perak pertama kali dipilih sebagai Pengerusi Tetap tanpa bertandingan dalam Persidangan Agung Bahagian yang diresmikan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Timbalan Presiden UMNO Malaysia tahun lalu.
Didoakan semoga beliau sempat sembuh dan kembali menjalankan tugas hariannya.
Saya juga medoakan agar beliau segera sembuh, Amin.
Saya fikir kalau ada orang kita sakit2 tak payah lantik mereka lagi untuk sesuatu jawatan. Kita bagi beliau rihat Kita ada 351 perwakilan. Takkanlah yang sihat tiada. Saya rasa Si Jebat pun boleh jadi pengerusi tetap. Beliau lebih baik daripada si Tuah. Si Tuah asyik ampu orang atasan. Si Jebat kerja untuk kebenaran. Baca komen 1.
Selalunya bila kita pendam sesuatu sudah tentu kita akan sakit jiwa.
Sekian untuk makluman YMDS.
Many malays don’t like to admit it, but once upon a time, they were not Muslims like everyone else!
Malays were part of the migration of Polynesian peoples whose original home was Yunnan in China to South East Asia in what is known as Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia……….
At that time the Orang Asli were already well settled in the malay Peninsula, so that makes them the most legitimate of the bumis.
Malays were animists then for hundreds of years until Indians crossed Bay of Bengal to South East Asia and spread Indian and Hindu culture to the peoples there.
Hence we had the great Hindu kingdoms which later also became Buddhist kingdoms of Langkasuka, Srivijaya, Majapahit – but main thing to note is that racially the peoples were malays and speak old malay language.
Islam only came to South East Asia from 1400 after foundation of Malacca by Parameswara. Again from India crossed Bay of Bengal and spread Islam to South East Asia. Malacca sultans were among the first converts and the rest is history.
Please note that the malays have been Muslims for only 600 years and have been Hindus/Buddhists very much longer – at least 2000 years. Malay culture is very much influenced by Hindu culture including Sanskrit words like the wayang kulit, raja, maharaja, etc.
Unlike Javanese, who are proud of their Hindu/Buddhist past reflected in great empires like Srivijaya and Majapahit, malays are generally ashamed to dwell on their pre Islamic Hindu/Buddhist past.
On the contrary some malays try to be like the Arab wannabes, trying to cleanse the malays of their Hindu/Buddhist past – in this even the songs and films of P Ramlee become victimized!
If Islam had not come to South East Asia, malays would still be Hindus/Buddhists like the Balinese which is not a bad idea, as Balinese are considered very peaceful people.
If only the malays are a bit smarter, then BN won’t win. The problem is malays are too damn stupid that they keep voting for BN. I don’t know what poison BN gave to make them in this state.
The name Melayu is an Indian word to denote hills or mountain range. There is a place in south India called Melayur.
Indigenous people who marry Muslim Indians from Melayur identified themselves as Melayur.
Over time, as the malay kingdom spead through insular SEA, the word Melayur became simply as Melayu.
If one were to do genetic test on the modern malay in Peninsula Malaysia, they would invariably carry genetics from Indian to explain the darker complexion and kinky hair of most malays as opposed to the Mongolid look of some malays of original Malayo Polynesian, Dusun or Dayak stocks.
The real natives or indigenous people of the Peninsula Malaysia can be found in the northern parts of Peninusla Malaysia apart from the aborigines.
Dr Mahathir is the worst thing that has happened to this country. He continues to spew venom. Why? All he cares about is himself, his family, his relatives, his friends and his cronies.
It doesn’t require a PhD to analyze the reasons why many malays are still poor for the new economy in spite of the NEP and all we hear – the true reason for the failure of the malays are MAHATHIR MAHATHIR MAHATHIR……….and nothing else.
Mahathir biggest achievements are not the white elephant KLIA, the robber highways, the meaningless Twin Towers, ghost town Putrajaya, failed MSC, sweat shop factories run with foreign labour, etc.
His true achievements are the destruction of good governance, law and order, quality education, religious brotherhood, peace and harmony.
It is no secret that Parameswara was an Indian and a Hindu prince until he married a Pasai princess and converted to Islam and adopted the Persian name Iskandar Shah.
There seemed to be no problem telling the truth as I just expressed it during my school days. The school textbooks were quite clear on this – but not today, I am told.
Once again the insecure Umno-led government had to wipe out any references to this famous Melaka prince as being Hindu and belonging to the powerful Hindu empire Srivijaya.
So all of a sudden our museums, school textbooks etc, all refer to Parameswara as a malay prince. Umno lying, mind you, is not confined to the mainstream newspapers.
Well, UMNO managed to achieve one thing. The BTN-type morons, have been overwhelmingly successful in brainwashing todays 27 million citizens.
Who says that the peninsular was always called Tanah Melayu? This is a recent British term!
Tanah Melayu was never the name until the British came and colonized the peninsular.
Malai means hill in Tamil; as to describe the Titiwangsa range on the said peninsular since the 2nd century by the Gujerati traders who set up their formidable Hindu empire at Lembah Bujang.
ASEAN nations agreed that we go for equity not equality
I have the documents with me.
Saya tak faham kenapa ROMSAM, BOLEH, OVERSEE, RUYAM, FARGAMAN KOK marah sangat kepada Melayu.
YMDS dan saya tak pernah kata pun Cina keturunan Ghee Hin dan Hai San.
Atau orang In keturunan Pariah dan Brahmin dll. Yang Pariah disingkirkan. Sebab itu Hindus Kingdom semuanya hancur kerana mereka berkasta.
Sekarang kita pula hendak berkasta antara yang kaya dengan yang miskin.
Orang Malaysia yg berpendapat seperti 6 sekawan ini masih seperti katak di bawah tempurong.
Saya rasa mereka yang 6 sekawan mestilah berpandangan luas.
dan matlamat kita hanya hendak mencapai keamanan.
Blog YMDS ialah blog UMNO. Mereka boleh buat blog Cina atau India tapi jangan menghina orang lain. Yang perlu fikiran kita mesti global dan holistik.
Hidup kita berpegang kepada simbiotik principle. Sebagai contoh kalau ada penjual (seperti kaum Cina) tiada pembeli (seperti orang Melayu) macam mana orang Cina nak jadi kaya.
Abang saya dahulu selalu memuji kontraktor Cina tapi bila saya bawa beliau melihat tapak bangunan barulah beliau tahu yang bekerja ditapak pembangunan ialah Melayu, Indon dan ada juga Bangla. Saya pergi restoran ayam yang memasaknya di belakang ialah orang Cina dan yang menjualnya pakai tudung di depan. Bolehkah Cina hidup tanpa Melayu atau sebaliknya.
Kesimpulannya kita mesti bekerjasama.
Masa Jepun dahulu tiga ahli keluaga saya menyembunyikan orang Cina di Batu Pahat. Dijalan Klang Taman OUG semasa 13 Mei orang Cina menjaga saudara saya di depan gate rumah mereka.
Kalau nak cakap keturunan Melayu samapai bila pun tak habis. Teorinya banyak sebab itu kita tukar kepada bumiputera dan di Nusantara bangsa Indonesia.
Saya berseru kepada orang Cina dan India kita bersama sama merapatkan jurang yang kaya dengan yang miskin bagi kaum kita sendiri dahulu kemudian merapatkan percapita income untuk semua, tak kira bangsa.
Ginni Coefficient bagi kaum Cina, India dan Melayu amat tinggi. Yang Melayu lebih kurang 0.46. Pendapat 6 sekawan di atas biarlah begitu kerana mereka stupid. ADAKAH pendapat streotaip begini yang harus diberikan kepada kaum Melayu?
Kalau kita tidak memperjuangkan perkara ini (jurang within race ant between races) negara kita akan dihasut pemikiran komunis dan akhirnya green revolution seperti di negeri Cina akan berlaku. Ini yang kita tak mahu. Di Baling dan Selama dahulu sudah ada demonstrasi kemiskinan.
Jika takut macam di FIJI dan di Austria masa perang dunia kedua, 6 juta yahudi di bunuh mengikut akhbar barat. Sebab orang katolik dan Protestent ramai yang jadi peasants dan orang Yahudi jadi tuannya. TQ
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