Hanya UMNO yang dapat menyelamat dan menjamin masa depan orang melayu, jika adapun parti yang didokonggi oleh orang melayu tetapi ia tidak lebih kepada kepentingan politik diri sendiri.
Kalau adapun, orang melayu yang berjuang selain daripda parti UMNO, ia cuma segelintir dan mereka tidak kekal lama,Kata Saya ketika berucap di Persindangan agung UMNO Cawangan Sunai Marlau,petang tadi.
Turut hadir ialah Ketua UMNO Cawangan, Norddin Abu Hassan dana bekas Ketua Cawangan, Robaai bin Haji Baijuri.
Dalam isu, rakyat Palestin di Gaza, sokongan Malaysia terbukti telah dapat memupuk semangat perpaduan di kalangan semua pihak dengan mengenepikan kepentingan politik yang berbeza.
Nasib orang Melayu akan terbela, selagi UMNO terus kuat dan menjadi Kerajaan berbanding dengan nasib orang melayu di Negeri yang tidak diterajui oleh Barisan Nasional (BN).
UMNO sentiasa menyuarakan pentingnya perpaduan Ummah kerana itu sahajalah jalan keluar bagi menjamin orang melayu terus selamat daripada sebarang ancaman politik terutamanya.
Yes! betul tu Dato Seri, hanya UMNO shj parti yg dpt menyelamatkan org melayu, namun jika org melayu sendiri menolak UMNO bermakna, mereka sendiri meletakkan diri (bangsa) dlm kedudukan yg bahaya....
terima kasih atas sokongan dan pandangan.
· Canada is a multi racial country like Malaysia.
· Canada is a relatively young country like Malaysia.
· Canada is a very progressive country.
· Canada is one of the G7 countries.
· Canada is one of the highest per capital income in the world now.
· Canada is one of the most developed countries in the world now.
· Canada allows both English and French as its official languages.
· Canada builds many 100% government subsidized French primary and secondary schools and French medium universities.
· Canada has very liberal policy in education and language.
· Ratio of English speaking citizens vs. French speaking citizens is almost similar to malays and Chinese in Malaysia.
What is Malaysia now? Discrimination, discrimination and more discrimination!
The Chinese came to Malaysia more than 1000 years ago, while the Indians came here almost 1030 years ago. Kota Gelanggi and Lembah Bujang are proof of these early settlements.
Then let me re-quote Lee Kuan Yew:
Singaporean politician Lee Kuan Yew of the PAP, who publicly questioned the need for Article 153 in parliament, and called for a "Malaysian Malaysia".
In a speech, Lee Kuan Yew bemoaned what would later be described as the Malaysia social contract:
"According to history, malays began to migrate to Malaysia in noticeable numbers only about 700 years ago. Of the 39% malays in Malaysia today, about one-third are comparatively new immigrants like the secretary-general of Umno, Dato Syed Jaafar, who came to Malaya from Indonesia just before the war at the age of more than thirty. Therefore it is wrong and illogical for a particular racial group to think that they are more justified to be called Malaysians and that the others can become Malaysians only through their favour."
Eventually, and Singapore became an independent nation in 1965, with Lee Kuan Yew as its first prime minister.
Hahaha! Shows how completely clueless malays are of the history of this land.
The Orang Asli are the original race of this land.
The malays themselves are only a small ethnic race that conquered the peninsular later.
Worst, what many term as 'malays today' are not actually the original malays of ancient times but 'adopted malays' from other ethnicities such as the Acehnese, Bugis, Minangkabaus and Tamil Muslims.
Sedarlah San yuking, oversea dan aston bahawa jika kamu benar-benar tidak suka tinggal di Malaysia kamu boleh berambus ke negeri lain. Apa guna tinggal di Malaysia jika memang benar ada unsur diskriminasi.Kalau kamu berada di Amerika sebuah negara maju kamu langsung tak berpeluang untuk mengundi bagi memilih parti yang memerintah. Tapi di Malaysia bangsa kamu boleh menjadi menteri.Tak payah lah tuduh melayu diskriminasi. Kamu tahu bagaimana peniaga melayu ditindas oleh pembekal cina. Kamu tahu betapa baiknya melayu.Jangan kamu bangkitkan rasis. Tunku Abdul Rahman terlalu baik ketika menuntut kemerdekaan. Kalau melayu tahu bangsa cina dan india sekarang akan mempertikaikan hak mereka sudah tetntu kita tak bersama kaum itu untuk menuntut kemerdekaan. Bersedialah wahai melayuku bahawa satu hari nanti manusia seperti san yuking dan aston ini akan membunuh kita. Dendam mereka kepada melayu sangat tinggi. Mereka ini boleh melakukan seperti yang terjadi di Bosnia Marilah kita cari siapa yuking, san dan aston ini.
Saya membaca comment2 yang dilempahkan kepada topik "UMNO Sahaja Penyelamat Orang Melayu'
It is high time for you to explain to these people about our Federal Constitution and what is democracy (majority rule. Who are the majority) and the difference between EQUITY and EQUALITY.
You also should tell them the history of the Malay Archipelego or Gugusan Pulau-Pulau Melayu. The one that seperate us is the Dutch and the British.
During the ASEAN summit all delegates agreed upon equity and justice but not equality (If we are communist or socialist countries eqaulity is the best way to solve the problem of poverty because all of us are almost equal.
But if our Ginni Coeffecient is O.46 can we still fight for equality. Bodohlah kalau fight for equality.
I think most of the comments sent to you YMDS were made by those who did not understand the history of Green Revolution in Russia or Cina or The Baju Merah Demonstration in Bangkok.
13th May got started in the city but not in a village. Similarly, the 2 riots in Bukit Mertajam before the 13th May. They all were started in the market, mostly Chinese dominated areas.
Why not we forget about this and evaluate holistically and go for global and follow the symbiotic principle and not fighting for the law of the jungle or survival of the faetes, you will regret later on.
The Malays, they don't fight like in Bukit Mertajam but they demonstrate like in Baling and to the less extent in Selama Perak.
I hope YMDS perlulah menjawab tomah2 mereka ini.
Kalau tidak tak tahulah apa nak jadi. Pemuda UMNO kita tidur ke
Dia dah kata kita macam Babi. Dulu ada antara mereka mengaku RACISTS.
Tak boleh tangkapkah mereka yang mengaku racists. Cuba tanya Telekom atau TM Net untuk menangkap mereka YMDS.
Cuba print comment mereka tunjukkan ke MB, Perak.
Sekian untuk makluman YMDS.
San dan Oversee mengatakan Melayu 'clueless' tentang sejarah mereka.
YMDS beri peluang saya mejawab comment mereka.
From the Indonesian history there were 12 Malay kingdoms in Nusantara dan Malaya (renamed Indonesia and Malaysia respectively). It stretched from Medan (including Melayu Deli to Kampar Indergiri including Riau and Singapore).
Then, there is a second group of Malay because of the intermarriage between two different ethnics, their sibling speak Malay/Indonesian because they cannot speak according to their fathers' or mothers' languages.
Then there was a Proto Malay, Deutro Malay and Malay during the metal age.
To know these people I think you shd ask Koo Kay Kim, a Prof Emeritus in History.
No matter what the history says, you look at the old map before the coming of the British and the Dutch. After that they divided the Malay Achipelago into two spheres.
It was named Malay Archipelago before the Dutch and the British came. It is not Indonesia or Malaysia as what the Chinese think. IT IS MALAY ARCHIPELAGO understand ! It included Indonesia and Malaysia as it is to-day.
The Malay during those time traded to and fro from "Indonesia" and 'Malaysia" as it is named to-day.
According to the Indonesian history MEDAN was established/opened by Malayan people and the Batak.
Panglima Layar from Malaya who can vanished in the sea founded most Islands in East Sumatra.
My great grandfather from my father's side work together with LEIDONG Chinese because the Chinese were afraid to die in the sea. They were afraid of death but they were good at business in those days. My great grandfather was good at see. So they work together exporting and importing goods from East Sumatra and West Malaya.
They are not like us to-day. They lived symbiotically. One in needs of the other. But to-day because we are greedy we think differently.
I think not so much of jealousy.
There is nothing to do, whether the Chinese turn up to be a hero or not. But still among the Chinese the top 10% are getting richer. It is like the Malays, even worst. Why don't you accept this facts rather than making racist comments with no end and later on creating havoc like in Bangkok. who are the rich Bangkok people and who are the BAJU MERAH people. We cannot differentiate them because the Chinese are already assimilated,
but the fact is true.
Thank you YMDS and
my Chinese friends who didn't know that our Malayan Malays were also migrating to MEDAN because of business opportunity there. The Malays are well known ocean traders .
Their prophet was doing business.
Wait for another wave when we follow our Prophet and the Chinese tanam pisang and bela ayam.
If the Malays follow their Prophet
I am sure they too become like the Chinese. In Beijing The Chinese Muslims have bigger rastaurants because they followed the SUNAH of the Prophet.
Aston commented that our education system is lousy, suck and useless.
Kenapa YMDS tak jawab? Mungkin YMDS menggap mereka orang gila jadi tak perlu jawab.
Kalau begitu baik saya ceritakan pengelaman saya untuk pengetahuan Mr. Aston.
My first hypothesis ia that, it is the Chinese teachers who make the education so lousy, suck and useless..
When I was first, posted to Sekolah Tun Mutahir Batu Berendam in Malacca there were two Chinese teachers, Mr. ONG and Mt. Lai. There were teaching Science subjects but they didn't spcialised in the teaching of Science.
I was spcialising in Science, was allowed to teach Geography.
After that I went to teach in teachers' college. There were 2 Chinese lecturers who taught
PE and Fine Arts.
The one who teach PE did not stress the teaching of skills. He was well qualified but I didn't think we could become the champ. in any field if we did not teach students the games' skills.
The fine art teacher was my good friend but I couldn't find any artistic master-piece in his house or in his office, like my other fine art lecturers. I don't think he likes arts or even teaching fine arts. So again he may spoil our children/future generations.
Let me give you more examples at higher insts.
Prof. Ruth Wong was one of the well known Prof of Education at the UM migrated to Singapore because she was thinking that she would become VC in UM but finally was not chosen.
I think she was another spoiler. Her ambition was to be a medical doctor and finally became an educationist. Her interest is in religion. Qualified from Harvard and claim to be Skinner's student.
But she never practice as what Skinner taught her, instead taught other subjects irrelevant to her major.
Her junior colleague, another Harvard Graduate who migrate to Spore and finally to Australia as a restaurenter was even worst. He told me that his specialisation was in the teaching of science methods but was teaching educational research methods overseas.
I think the Singaporeans and the Bruneians were colour blind for accepting him to teach subjects which were unrelated to his major.
After that, Prof Sim recruited his devoted student, See Kin Hai to teach Science Method (Teaching). See Kin Hai specialised in ed. psychology but unwilling to teach ed. psy.
He even recruited Dr. Wong Khoon Yoon (now in S'pore University) who didn't know what topics to teach in research methodology. Very shameful. He started to ask me and others the topics should be included in Research Methodology.
This is another evidence to show that the Chinese had lowered the standard of Education in Malaysia.
They are from Harvard but never teach Malaysia like the HARVARD STYLES and contents.
In the final analysis if the Chinese did not teach according to their majors or the contents of the subjects were not like the ones in Harvard MAMPUSLAH KITA.
The standard is low.
In USM, when I was there Prof Yoong Suan, Lourdusamy and the other Chinese, Prof Low who is now teaching in Brunei were teaching research methods but their specialisation were mainly curriculum.
When Tunku Ismail was there this thing never happens. After that they atarted to teach according to lecturers' interests but not according to their specialisations.
I have given two examples of HARVARDIANS who teach according to their interests but not according to what was taught in Harvard.
Itulah yang menyebabkan pendidikan kita lousy, suck dan useless.
I advise the Chinese teach Malaysian as what was taught in Harvard but not teach according to their own interest as what Prof Sim AND Prof. Ruth Wong had done.
Sekian YMDS. Terima kasih. saya harap Mr. ASTOM membaca pendapat saya ini. Hasil daripada pengelaman dan berkawan dengan mereka yang saya sebut2.
sebenarnya melayu ni nak diselamatkan daripada apa? penyakit? peperangan? kemiskinan? jenayah? wanita? dah 50 tahun pun, yang kaya dan sihat-sihat jauh dari jenayah adalah pemimpin umno saja, rakyat bagaimana?
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